- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Aktionstag 13. Mai 2023
13. Mai 2023, 12:00 - 15:00

Wir laden euch herzlich zum Aktionstag im Mai ein!
Samstag, 13. Mai, 12-15 Uhr
- 12 Uhr – Offene Geländeführung
- 12-15 Uhr Installation der Tröpfchenbewässerung auf dem Acker
- 13-15 Uhr Honig Tasting mit Ina*
* Honig Tasting mit Ina
Did you know that bees have to fly a distance of three orbits around the Earth to produce one jar of honey? Or that the same jar contains nectar from about 2 million flowers? During the two-hour honey tasting, we will not only savor different types of honey, but I will also share my knowledge about bees in Germany, why they are so important in the eco system, how they make honey, how beekeepers harvest it, how to distinguish different types of honey and much more. I am looking forward to taking you along on a journey deep down the honeypot.
Saturday, MAy 13th
13-15 h
at the big table on Hochbeetwiese
Please sign up via kollektiv@prinzessinnengarten.net
Donation basis
The workshop will be held in English with German additions if needed