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Wet Felt Workshop

16. Juni 2024, 12:30 - 16:00

studio nagelneu presents

Wet Felt Workshop

3 sessions
Sunday June 16th 12:30 – 16:00
Sunday June 23rd 13:30 – 17:00
Sunday June 30th 13:30 – 17:00
studio nagelneu, Hermannstraße 103, 12051 Berlin

In this workshop, you will discover how to turn wool fibbers into a personalized piece of fabric. In the first session you will learn about the wet felt method, its properties, and the layering, washing and shrinking processes of the hairs. During the other two sessions you will make your own pieces of fabric (they can be abstract, illustrative, with a specific pattern, etc.) and be guided to turn them into a personal project you bring back home!

The felt can take the shape of a decorative/art piece, a cloth, a tote bag, a cushion cover, an accessory … whatever your creativity feels! The idea is to have fun and experiment, feeling empowered by making something from scratch 🙂

45€ for the 3 sessions (including cost of material)

Inscriptions, info and payment details at :

Teaching : Melissa Antier / @microbe___


16. Juni 2024
12:30 - 16:00


studio nagelneu
Hermannstraße 103
Berliin, 12051 Deutschland
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