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[Kultur]Freitag mit Like Mint
2. September 2022, 19:00 - 22:00

Im Rahmen unseres Sommerprogramms präsentieren wir euch freitags ein kulturelles Programm begleitet von unserem Angebot am Pizza-Ofen und Bar!
Diesmal mit von der Partie
Like Mint
You need to hear a word to understand what it means.
And sometimes you realize that its meaning has been living inside of you all along.
Before Like Mint grew into a Singer-Songwriter, bringing the graceful fragility of Folk music onto the stage with her guitar and voice, she started out by using the words of others to make sense of her own inner life.
At 10 years old she was translating Britneys ‚Lucky’, then dancing along to love songs by various boybands, until later singing Linkin Park songs in her teenage bedroom. While she was understanding more and more of what she was listening to, she developed the need to use her own voice and started playing the guitar.
Growing up in a village in east germany the opportunity to see the music she listened to live was never really an option. But going abroad for a year and exploring the diverse music scene of Minneapolis in 2010 finally gave her the chance to experience what it means to share these words with others in person. Seeing Sufjan Stevens playing a magnificent set in the historic Orpheum theatre, her own path was headed to a new direction.
The desire to put her own experiences into song grew, while her love of Folk music came more and more alive.
Over the last years Like Mint has been sharing the music of her first EP „I FELT IT ONCE“ with people, asking them to take part in her journey. The songs are clear compositions with poetic lyrics. Her voice and guitar take the lead, while harmonies or a warm Cello build a frame.
With new songs coming 2022 listeners can take an even closer look behind the curtains. You are invited to listen to stories of growing up, finding your belief system, having the courage to be yourself. And then take what you need and make it your own.
Bitte meldet euch vorab via event@prinzessinnengarten.net an!
Das Programm startet zur angegebenen Uhrzeit – bitte seid zeitnah vor Ort – das Gelände wird 20 Uhr (gemäß der Friedhofsöffnungszeiten) abgeschlossen. Der anschließende Auslass wird von uns organisiert.
Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenlos – die Künstler*innen freuen sich über eine Spende!
Weitere Veranstaltungen im Rahmen unserer [Kultur]Freitage findet ihr hier.