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[Kultur]Freitag mit Geordie Little

19. August 2022, 19:00 - 22:00

Im Rahmen unseres Sommerprogramms präsentieren wir euch freitags ein kulturelles Programm begleitet von unserem Angebot am Pizza-Ofen und Bar!

Diesmal mit von der Partie

Geordie Little

Born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia, and based since 2012 in Berlin, Germany, Geordie is a guitarist, composer and sound designer – performing and creating as both a solo instrumentalist and in a number of collaborative projects. He is also the Musical Director and founding member of the acclaimed UK based arts creation house Fauna Circus Ltd.

Known primarily for his innovative approach to the guitar, Geordie is signed to US based Fretmonkey Records and holds endorsements with Ortega Guitars and Augustine Strings. He first developed his style on the streets and has since developed and refined it on stages around the world, performing in over 30 countries across 6 continents. Mixing percussion, chords, melodies and harmonies simultaneously, and taking influence as much from the electronic and post-classical worlds as from his peers, Geordie creates aurally and visually entrancing compositions, redifining the boundaries of what the guitar can be.

Bitte meldet euch vorab via an!
Das Programm startet zur angegebenen Uhrzeit – bitte seid zeitnah vor Ort – das Gelände wird 20 Uhr (gemäß der Friedhofsöffnungszeiten) abgeschlossen. Der anschließende Auslass wird von uns organisiert.

Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenlos – die Künstler*innen freuen sich über eine Spende!

Weitere Veranstaltungen im Rahmen unserer [Kultur]Freitage findet ihr hier.


19. August 2022
19:00 - 22:00


Prinzessinnengarten Kollektiv Berlin
Hermannstraße 99-105
Berlin, 12051 Deutschland
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